The Border Fancy Canary Club of Victoria Inc holds two major shows annually: the Derby and Oaks, and the Annual Show. Currently they are both held in June.
Derby and Oaks: The Border Fancy Canary Club’s Derby and Oaks is generally held on the first Saturday in June at:
The Burwood Uniting Church Hall
Corner Hyslop Street and Warrigal Road,
Burwood Victoria.
Melway Map 60 Ref G6.
In 2020, this show is to be held on Saturday 30th May.
All birds must be benched by 8.30am.
Judging is to commence promptly at 9 am.
Exhibitors are encouraged to view the judging.
Open to the Public at 11.00am.
The Show Schedule for this show will be issued to all members prior to the show and exhibitors will be required to enter their birds with the Show Secretary and receive their show stickers before the day of the show. Details relating to the timing of entries will be available in the Show Schedule.
The Derby and Oaks is a member’s only show and takes the form of a Young Bird Championship. That is, the cock birds are judged in their respective classes according to their classification. Each bird in a class is judged according to the club’s Standard of Perfection. The bird closest to the Standard will win each class. Eventually, the class winners will be judged to select the best cock in each of the major colour classes; that is Best Yellow Cock; Best Buff Cock and Best White Ground Cock. These three major winners will then be judged against each other for the Best Cock in the Show, which is the Derby.
Similarly, the hens are judged to gain the Best Hen in the Show, which is known as the Oaks.
Annual Show: The Border Fancy Canary Club of Victoria Inc holds its Annual Show on the fourth Saturday in June at:
The Burwood Uniting Church Hall
Corner Hyslop Street and Warrigal Road,
Burwood Victoria.
Melway Map 60 Ref G6.
In 2020, this show is to be held on Saturday 27th June and will be the Club’s 65th Annual Show.
All birds must be benched by 8.30am.
Judging is to commence promptly at 9.00am.
Exhibitors are encouraged to view the judging.
Open to the Public at 1.00pm.
Trophy Presentation to be held as soon as practicable.
The Border Fancy Canary Club of Victoria’s Annual Show represents a wonderful opportunity for all Border Fancy canary breeders and members of the public to see some of the best Border Fancy canaries in Australia on display. The show has around four hundred exhibits on average but has had over five hundred exhibits at some of its previous shows. All major Border Fancy canary breeders and exhibitors are present at this show. This is by far the largest specialist canary variety show of its kind in Victoria and is one of the hardest and most prestigious shows to win. The judging of the Grand Champion and Reserve Champion Border Fancy canaries is eagerly anticipated throughout the year.
A Show Schedule will be released, usually in May, and all prospective exhibitors will be required to enter their birds with the Show Secretary well before the day of the show. Details relating to the timing of entries will be available in the Show Schedule.
This show is an ideal opportunity for members of the public and prospective new members of the club to appreciate what a wonderful bird the Border Fancy canary is. It has shape and style and wonderful temperament and is a very attractive canary to keep and breed.
The judges for the Annual Show are drawn from the best judges available throughout Australia.
The Annual Show is open to all members of the club, plus other Border Fancy canary breeders that are not members. The birds will be judged in their own classes according to their age, sex, classification and colour. Each bird in a class is judged according to the club’s Standard of Perfection. The bird closest to the Standard will win each class.
Each class winner will be judged out for a Section winner (for example, Best Any Age Yellow Cock, etc.) Eventually a Grand Champion Border Fancy Canary; a Reserve Champion Border Fancy canary and a Champion Opposite Sex Border Fancy canary will be selected as the three major awards. Other major trophy winners will include Best Self Green Type Border in Show; Best Self Cinnamon Type Border in Show and Best White Type Border in Show. There are also many minor trophies provided. The trophy list is quite spectacular and is very extensive. It has to be one of the best trophy lists in Australia.
For further details on both the Derby and Oaks and Annual Show, please contact the Club’s Secretary.